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Conservation Meeting Minutes 7/12/07
                                                                                        Conservation Commission
                                                               July 12, 2007

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Stephan Glicken, Stephen Cremer, and Katherine Roth were the members present.

8:00 p.m. N.O.I. Public Hearing filed by Margaret M. Connolly, for the proposed addition to a single-family  home at 61 Beach Road:
Attorney, Joel Fishman, appeared before the Commission to represent the Applicant. Abutters/Interested persons were also present. (See attached list.)
Attorney Fishman presented the green abutter cards, and a proposed Plot Plan dated March 5, 2007 to the Commission. He explained to the Commission that Margaret Connolly and her husband, Robert Warren, are currently staying at their home in Texas. They also own a home in Needham, where they usually reside when visiting the northeast. They propose to sell their Needham home, and make their home in Sharon handicapped accessible. Miller Engineering has been hired by the Applicant for the proposed project. Margaret Connolly has owned the property at 61 Beach Road since 1971. Her husband is 85 years old, has limited mobility, and walks with the aid of a walker. The property is located in a Rural 2 Zone within the Surface Water Protection District. A Bio-Clere Septic System was installed back in the 90s. The Applicant has received approval from the ZBA for the proposed project.
Attorney Fishman explained to the Commission that the scope of the proposed project would include:
The construction of a new master bedroom. (The number of bedrooms will not change from the proposed project.)
The proposed installation of a handicapped accessible bathroom.
The proposed installation of a handicapped accessible entrance from the driveway to the new master bedroom.
There were no comments from the abutters present in the audience.
The Commission agreed to approve the proposed project as per submitted plan.
Peg called for a motion to close the hearing and to issue the Order of Conditions to the Applicant upon receipt of the DEP file number.
Katherine Roth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:10 p.m. Signatures:
The Commission signed bills. Extension Permit for Order of Conditions, 140 Maskwonicut Street,
DEP File # SE-280-0431. Certificate of Compliance for 68 Eisenhower Drive,
DEP File # SE-280-333.

8:15 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:
Stephan Glicken moved to accept the May 17, 2007 meeting minutes as presented.
Peg Agruimbau seconded. Voted. 2-0-2.
The members present at the June 21, 2007, “No Quorum” meeting agreed that the minutes reflect the matter of the meeting.
8:35 p.m. Adjournment: Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.